Eras Long Forgotten by Heaven

your wisdom looks to you for legs and validation yet your sense of self seems knee-deep in timidity and doubt like quick sand, diffidence the fuel t’wards your demise caught up with the old self brainwashed by past errors from eras long forgotten by heaven     why hold on to what’s not here to…


I may have seen (repeatedly so) every  publicly available piece of Beyoncé-related  footage to date – that’s just how deep, strong, but at times slightly resigned (journalism school taught me to practice objectivity) my adoration of and intellectual respect for this highly-gifted artiste rolls. I hope that made sense to you in some way. My…

27 it is…

What a life that I’ve been given. Much too much to be humbled by and thankful for. It is well with my soul, Lord! 🙂   Prioritise the things that matter to Him this year. Don’t let trivialities determine your happiness Cut yourself loose from excessive demands on your time so that you can grow…

Good Job!

Boy am I glad that the weekend has finally arrived. This week has felt like a hike through the driest desert and then up a steep ole’ mountain. Some interesting developments overall, and considerable career confidence gained. It feels quite humbling to note that I’m officially ‘official’ (i.e. permanent). It’s every person’s dream to finally…